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G1000 Vista drivers downloads - NVIDIA GeForce Graphics Driver 365.10 64-bit Vista driver download - Best Free Vista Downloads


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NVIDIA GeForce Graphics Driver 365.10 64-bit

Download NVIDIA GeForce Graphics Driver 365.10 64-bit

Scan & auto update all outdated drivers on your PC


Driver Description:
Prior to a new title launching, our driver team is working up until the last minute to ensure every performance tweak and bug fix possible makes it into the Game Ready driver. As a result, you can be sure you’ll have the best day-1 gaming experience for your favorite new titles.

Game Ready:

- Get the optimal experience for Battleborn, Forza Motorsport 6: APEX Beta, Overwatch Beta, and Paragon Beta.

Windows 10 Fixed Issues:

- [GeForce GTX 960] With one daisy-chained monitor enabled, system crashes when going into S3 or resuming from S3/S4.
- [364.72, GK104] Severe drop in FPS in games after driver update; temporarily fixed by Alt+Tab or changing resolution.
- [364.72, SLI] NVIDIA Control Panel stops responding during attempt to enable SLI.
- [364.96, SLI] NVIDIA Control Panel stops responding during attempt to enable SLI after an express installation of the 364.96 driver. Issue does not reproduce after a clean installation.
- [364.72] G-SYNC option missing from Clevo P751DM-G after an update to the R364 drivers.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Vista Fixed Issues:

- [GeForce GTX 400 and 500 series] Dark Souls 3 has very poor performance, regardless of the game settings, on the 364.72 and 364.97 drivers. [1755352]
- [VR, HTC Vive, OpenGL, Google Earth] NV_DX_interop performance erratic with GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS. [1747696]

Added or updated the following SLI profiles:

- Everybody's Gone to the Rapture - SLI profile added
- Overwatch - SLI profile added

Added or updated the following 3DV profiles:

- Battleborn- Good

Software Modules:

- NView - version 147.00
- HD Audio Driver - version
- NVIDIA PhysX System Software - version 9.15.0428
- GeForce Experience - version
- CUDA - version 8.0

Compatible GeForce 900 ...

Driver Info
Best Vista Download periodically updates driver information of NVIDIA GeForce Graphics Driver 365.10 64-bit from the manufacturer, but some information may be out-of-date. You should confirm all information.
Download of NVIDIA GeForce Graphics Driver 365.10 64-bit Vista driver is directly from our mirrors or manufacturer's website, torrent files or shared files from rapidshare, yousendit or megaupload are not allowed!
Website: Nvidia homepage
Released: May 03, 2016
Filesize: 343.90 MB
System: Windows Vista 64 bit / 7 64 bit / 8 64 bit / 8.1 64 bit

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